Youth Ministry

Welcome to Verso L’alto Youth Group! Inspired by Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati’s words of inspiration “to the heights” encouraging us to answer our universal call to holiness and strive to be the best that we can be.

We are a shared Youth Ministry Program with Saints Mary & Joseph Parish in Salem, NH. Sessions are hosted for children in 4th-6th grade on bi-monthly Tuesdays and for 7th grade and up on bi-monthly Thursdays, alternating between both parishes. We meet from 6-7:30PM. *(Sometimes we may move to another day in the week to accommodate holidays and holy days of obligation.)

This is a recreational program that you do not need to register or pay for in order to join. It is meant to be a place for kids to meet others of shared faith, with thought-provoking discussions and the opportunity for spiritual enrichment, learning what exactly our Catholic faith teaches and how we can live it out in our personal life.

The foundation of this program consists of three pillars:

  • Deepening PRAYER LIFE through regular adoration, the rosary and more spiritual exercises. 
  • Growing in FELLOWSHIP through our regular meetings and extra monthly events that foster fun, relaxation and connection. 
  • Selfless SERVICE through volunteer opportunities at our parish and in our community. 

For more information please reach out to Meghan Landry our Youth Minister at Or sign up here to be put in our list of contacts:

Click here our most recent newsletter: Spring 2025 Schedule of Meeting & Events